« A happy child is an engaged child », un enfant heureux est un enfant engagé, c’est notre philosophie.
L’institution les iris offre un environnement inspirant et énergisant qui place le bonheur de votre enfant au cœur de l’apprentissage.
Notre but est de transformer chaque journée en une expérience instructive en mettant sous les projecteurs la créativité individuel et l’imagination naissante de chaque élève.
«Your path to learning English, step by step » ,Cambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding.Our qualifications are based on research into effective teaching and learning.
They motivate people of all ages and abilities to learn English and develop practical skills for the real world. Each exam focuses on a level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), helping learners to improve their speaking, writing, reading and listening skills step by step.
Whatever your goals or ambitions, Cambridge English Qualifications are a mark of excellence, accepted and trusted by thousands of organisations worldwide.
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